Education Bachelor’s degree

Work experience 20 years

Clients 200+

Languages 4

UX and CX designer

Lukasz Lukasik

providing business solutions since 2003

Oslo – London – Warsaw – Edinburgh – Ottawa

UX and CX designer – Web developer – Graphic designer – Business researcher

Why business research and analysis is a key to every professional UX design?

Professional UX design is a multi-layered issue that requires adapting research methods, analysing results and responses, reading data and analysing it. The final recipient is always a human, nowadays, where, thanks to the Internet, the world has become a global village, this human will represent different cultures, expectations, needs and, above all, he will always be an individual. It is impossible to throw all of us into one bag and define it as a group of target customers. That’s why every UX designer should be able to find and understand behaviours and patterns. The same applies to Customer Success Management.

On the other hand, we have a company that operates in a business environment, on a competitive markets, offering an individually defined business model and a product or service. And that is why the ability to multi-layer analysis, one that is based, among others, on psychology and in-depth business analysis, is the basis for the success of UX design. If you fail in research, then the rest is only a waste of time.

UX step by step

In order to conduct a proper UX designing process there are several obligatory steps to be taken into consideration. There are many possible variations and modifications in UX methodology since it needs to be adjusted to the problem, product, company, market, target customer and so on. There are no two identical UX cases, they always differ so my responsibility is to know which way of UX designing process will be the most effective and, moreover, will cover all the necessary aspects of the company, its product and its target customer – the final user.

The fundamental UX designing steps

1. Define the main problem

The very first step is to meet the stake holders and set the goals, objectives, time frame, etc. The meeting may also give the answer what the problem is from the management point of view.

Collaboration with stake holders, power players

2. Entry research and analysis - defining the problem continues

This step is dedicted to a complete business research and analysis of the company and its business environment. Performing market research, competitive benchmarking, marketing strategy and including all of it into a professional Business Plan clarifies the problem defined in point 1 and very often reveals other problems, visible only after a detailed bysiness analysis.

Collaboration with sales and marketing department, accountants, CEO, developers

3. Executive Summary

It is a document summarizing the conclusions from the analysis carried out in point 2 and on the basis of point 1. This document contains a complete description of the initial situation – the opening balance. It refers to the existing situation, identified problems, and also indicates the conclusions resulting from the business analysis contained in the Business Plan.

Collaboration with stake holders, power players and main departments managers

4. Product/service research

This is the moment when the research methods should be adapted to the conclusions contained in point 3. Despite the fact that the nomenclature of these methods is unified, the selection of appropriate tools and research methodology results from the individualization of the research case. At this stage, the most important is to define the mental model of the end user, his characteristics, behavior and, above all, the psychological model; statistical and sociometric research; competitive benchmarking of the product/service against the background of competing solutions; usability test, affinity diagram; customer journey mapping. The purpose of the activities performed at this stage is to diagnose pain points, areas for improvement and positive interactions.

Collaboration with sales and marketing, developers, product designers

5. Research analysis – final executive summary

At this stage of the work, all conclusions resulting from the outcomes contained in point 3 and the results of the research undertaken within point 4 will be summarized. The analysis of the above data is an interpretation and at the same time a set of guidelines for working on the prototype.

Collaboration with stake holders, power players and main departments managers

6. Prototype

The component parts that must be considered at the prototype design stage are – information architecture, user flow, navigation, interactions and micro interactions, sketching and wireframing

Collaboration with developers and product designers

7. Low-fidelity testing and results

The first version of the prototype is subjected to tests and examinations at this stage, the scope of which is largely presented in point 4. The results of the prototype testing analysis are used to refine the prototype and then serve as an interpretation for high-fidelity design.

Collaboration with developers

8. High-fidelity testing and results

At this stage, the final version of the prototype is tested, among others, using the tools indicated in point 4. The analysis of the test results serves as guidelines for the design of the final product.

Collaboration with developers, UI designers

9. Outcomes

A very important moment at each design stage, in which, after the testing and prototyping stage, the final product comes to light. Particular attention should be paid here to usability re-analysis and end-user feedback. Over time, it is advisable to verify the project and its further improvement in relation to competition, business environment and recipient psychology.

Collaboration with developers, sales and marketing, stake holders

10. Findings

At this stage, the initial assumptions, test analyzes and results should be verified against the final data resulting from the implementation of the final product for use. This is about the correctness of the assumptions adopted at the initial design stage and taking into account possible differences or findings in further designing work.

Collaboration with all departments responsible for product or service implementation and sales

As I stated above they are only the guidelines, main elements and their use, complexity, used tools will differ depending on the UX case. On the other hand, the above methodology of operation used in UX design shows the need to have knowledge in the field of psychology, finance, sales and marketing techniques, UI graphics and, above all, the ability to combine and analyze them from the UX point of view. In addition, it is necessary to emphasize the essential and fundamental ability of teamwork not only within the UX team but also with other departments of the company.

Psychology in UX

Behind the scenes of customer’s research and analysis – behavioral and social psychology within UX – design

Every UX designing process needs to include a deep understanding of human psychology. Not only in UX, it is widely used it in UI, sales, marketing, designing products or services, customer support. Wherever we approach a human person we need to use psychology, to have good results, we should.

Understanding the importance of psychology is a solid foundation for every business activity and that is why its use needs to be emphasized. In order to perform any serious and effective UX design we need to determine and understand customers behaviors and perspective. It also needs to be explained that professional UX designing process consist of deep and complex research and analysis. The professional UX case study gives guidelines and explanations not only for proper UX prototyping but is the core source of information for sales and marketing, developers, product designers and after sales support. It is very often compared to a Business Plan document but from the UX point of view.

There are many experiments proving that using psychology can increase sales and profitability. It is a well-known fact. Mastering psychology for UX purposes gives skills to read, understand and persuade customers, to convince them and gain as much as possible in return keeping them satisfied at the same time.

Since psychology plays important role in my UX process, I am about to share some of my favorite examples of its use below, just to show the top of the iceberg.

The rule of complexity and simplicity in design

The most obvious one, displaying many features and options when selling online will discourage most of the customers. Simplification of the process will, on the other hand, increase the number of purchases made. We get discouraged quickly, we are eager to look for easier ways to reach our destination. In this case, the customers will look for another online seller. Of course, this is not a rule that will be appropriate for all customers and for all products/companies. In many cases large number of options are necessary to attract the customers. A thorough analysis and profiling of the target customer will give us the answer whether it will be right to apply this rule in our case or not. This is very similar to the 80/20 rule where 80% users will use only 20% of features, also called as Pareto principle.

Pavlov’s dog – a conditioned response

One of the most spectacular and well known experiments. To make it simple, the dog was taught that hearing the particular sound it was identified with feeding, as a result of which the effect of salivation occurred automatically.

We can use this example to show the impact of learning and experience. Careful observation of the customer’s behavior will give us a clear and legible answer on how to adapt our offer to his needs. Usability testing or Crazy Egg are very often used tools here. It is necessary to answer the question whether the company is to adapt to the customer’s needs through observation or whether the customer should be taught behaviors desirable from the company’s point of view. Who should adapt to whom? This can be illustrated by the following examples.

  1. With the end of summer, most clothing stores withdraw summer collections and introduce winter clothing to their offer.

Here we are dealing with the observation of customer behavior and adapting the offer to his needs.

  1. Black Friday Sale – a term invented by trade and by the regularity of its use, customers have been taught that it is a very good time to shop. Opposite to the above. So the question is, Who is the dog?

Analyzing the UX survey data.

There is no UX design without gathering data. Interviews, online surveys, questionnaires etc. give us a wide option of the tools that can be used.  But even here understanding of psychology and implementing it increases the reliability of the results obtained.

Let’s start with the process of gathering survey answers. Robert Cialdini shows it in a perfect way. Asking random people on the street to take part in a survey is a hard work since most of them just don’t want to spend their time doing so. In other words the results are poor. But if we use psychology we might increase it dramatically. As experiment shows it is enough to ask one simple question before telling about the survey and most of responders will happily take part in it. “Do you consider yourself as a helpful person?” most will say “yes”. Our next question will be “Can you help me with the survey answering a couple of questions?”. This is how it works.

Do you like milk chocolate? People are biased.

Two responders were asked on a street survey if they like milk chocolate or not. One said “yes” and one said “no”. Simple question, simple survey but one can represent obvious results in many ways depending on what one wants to show. The one example showing the complexity of above is as follows – 50% of responders said “yes” and only one respondent said “no”.  There is no lie in it, but our brain reeds “50” as more than “one”.

White or black. Everybody lies, House MD.

Another example verifies finings and tells us our responders very often deliberately or not stray from the truth when giving the answers in a survey.  One of the most known experiments was conducted in 1980’ by one of the biggest hi-fi producers. The company was going to introduce a new model of a popular boom box radio. They were researching which color would be more popular among customers – white or black. To find so, they invited a group of responders into a room where two models were displayed, white and black. “Which color do you like best for the radio?” was the question. Most of the participants pointed to a white one. At the end, on the way out, the group of participants was told to take one of the radios piled up in the corridor as a gratitude, for free. Most of them took black one.

In many cases, when taking part in surveys and researches, people often do not tell the truth because they want their answers to indicate that they are better than they really are. In the case of choosing a radio color, a mechanism worked – “I don’t want to be like everyone else, I want to be original and I will choose white”

Above example shows how careful we need to be when performing UX research, both when gathering and analyzing data.

Background perception. Psychology in UX and UI

Two examples, first connected with ability to perform objective UX research.

The target was to achieve phone numbers from random women in a shopping mall by a man that was a complete stranger to them. In most cases he didn’t succeeded at all but surprisingly there was a place in the building where he had a lot of positive replies. That place was the Florists. And here comes psychology – human brain detects the surrounding, the background and influences our decisions. Flowers, roses, romance, charm, man asking for a phone number, why not?

The second example works really well with UI. Sofas online shop case. The experiment was to detect if the landing page background influences the site visitors and if so, how? First the background was blurred/Gaussian blur image of beautiful white, lazy clouds in the sky. After a month the background picture was replaced with the one representing coins. The results were as follows – in the clouds background version most visitors searched for comfortable and cozy sofas, these were the keywords used the most often. In the second, coins, case visitors were mostly interested in special price products, bargains, sale and value for money.

We all admire successful people, even if we do not admit it. CTA experiment

This time we are testing our customers trust. How? By giving them options to choose from, as usual. So, here we have a real estate agency landing page for house sellers with two CTA buttons. One is described as “contact with our sales team”. The second one has a slightly different text “contact Tom our best-selling agent”. Guess which one is almost never used? Right, the first one. Almost everyone wants to work with Tom, who gets the best prices when selling the house.

Analyzing customers behavior, UX design in the past

As the last example, I have chosen, is the shopping trolley invention. The trolley was invented in 1937 by supermarket owner Sylvan Goldman. Known as the ‘shopping cart’, it evolved from the wire hand-basket, when Goldman noticed that his customers stopped buying as their full baskets became too heavy to carry. It is one of the best examples of observing and analyzing the customer behavior on the journey, the tool we use in UX these days.


The fact you know how to use a hammer doesn’t make you a good carpenter.

As most of you know, professional UX designing process focuses on wide research and analysis. In order to gather and understand it, UX designer must be able to understand all the processes running in the company as well as represent human/customer approach. It combines knowledge covering psychology, finance, strategic planning, marketing, IT development and communication.

If you include such data in your case, you have a chance to perform a professional UX designing process. If you skip this part than you are left with nothing. The most common mistake for non-professionals is to describe final layouts without complete research as a UX case. Of course Figma or Adobe XD skills are essential in the process but only to represent, prototype and test findings from the research. In other words knowing Figma does not make you a UX designer. It only tells you know how to use a hammer.


Team work cooperation. The “must” skill of every professional UX designer

I couldn’t resist not to mention the importance of a team work and psychology behind it. Working in an international environment is exciting since you have the chance to learn about different cultures but on the other hand you need to be aware of the differences between them. The following study is a very good example of it.

The experiment performed in global corporation – the Citi Bank

The researchers selected four societies for examination: the English originated – USA, UK, Australia, far Asia – China, Japan, Korea, Mediterranean culture – Spain, Italy, Greece and as the last one Germany and Scandinavia. They surveyed Citibank branches within each country and measured employees’ willingness to comply voluntarily with a request from a co-worker for assistance with a task. Although multiple key factors could come into play, the main reason employees felt obligated to comply differed in the four cultures. Each of these reasons incorporated a different fundamental principle of social influence.

Employees in the English group took a reciprocation-based approach to the decision to comply. They asked the question, “What has this person done for me recently?” and felt obligated to volunteer if they owed the requester a favor.

Asian employees responded primarily to authority, in the form of loyalties to those of high status within their small group. They asked, “Is this requester connected to someone in my unit, especially someone who is high ranking?” If the answer was yes, they felt required to yield.

Southern European Citibank personnel based the decision mostly on liking/friendship. They were willing to help on the basis of friendship norms that encourage faithfulness to one’s friends, regardless of position or status. They asked, “Is this requester connected to my friends?” If the answer was yes, they were especially likely to want to comply.

German and Scandinavian employees were most compelled by consistency, offering assistance in order to be consistent with the rules of the organization. They decided whether to comply by asking, “According to official regulations and categories, am I supposed to assist this requester?” If the answer was yes, they felt a strong obligation to grant the request.

In sum, although all human societies seem to play by the same set of influence rules, the weights assigned to the various rules can differ across cultures.

The Drive case

Focusing on workers needs a chance to reduce costs and staff turnover. UX survey research and analysis.

Transport and logistics company, internal personnel user research for web service

Main outlines of the actions taken as part of the UX designing process

The company is the biggest supplier of fruit and vegetables in Norway, delivering fresh products under controlled temperature to majority of the supermarket chains located in Norway. The products are both imported and produced by local farmers and food producers. The company employs around 100 semi-truck drivers, has a fleet of over 50 modern trucks but also performs long distance deliveries loading its trailers to be transported by rail to distant locations in Norway. Over the years the company became a major player in “green transport” investing into eco-friendly fleet of trucks as well as training the drivers with “eco-driving” techniques. The company has also developed its “just-on-time” delivery system in order to deliver fresh products as fast as possible, “from the field to the table”.

With the development of the company, the increase in the number of producers / farmers, in other words, the loading points for fresh products, two serious problems in the functioning of the company were observed. The first of them was a high turnover among newly employed drivers, where many of them resigned after a short period of work and left for other employers. The second was the growing number of cases of damage to cars and semi-trailers and the growing number of losses due to the destruction of cargo during transport. After a thorough analysis of the above reasons, the main reason for their occurrence was defined. It was stress related to poor knowledge of topography, loading places and time pressure among new employees. It should be noted here that the specificity of work often requires the collection of products at night from farms where access by a large truck is not always so obvious. The main task of the project was therefore to develop support addressed to new drivers to make work as easy as possible and thus reduce the level of stress that is the cause of damages and high turnover.

Thus, it became obvious to direct the project to new employees, with their cooperation and based on their observations and experiences. In other words, the main task of the project was to develop a solution for end users, and the work on it was largely based on cooperation and the transfer of information with them.

I was the main contractor of the project, both at the stage of research and analysis as well as the implementation of the designed solution. During the design process, I cooperated with drivers as well as forwarders and management. Almost 100% of newly recruited drivers and about 30% of drivers working for a long time, 5 forwarders, the human resources department and the chief operating manager participated in the project.

The biggest challenge was time, because a ready-made solution had to be prepared before the summer season, when the highest intensity of loading fresh fruit and vegetables on farms occurs. This is also the period when the company employs additional drivers to maintain smooth deliveries between the manufacturer and the final customer according to the “just-on-time” delivery system.

I started my work with a thorough analysis of the situation related to the defined problems. The first stage was to obtain as much feedback as possible from the drivers, for this purpose I used both online surveys and research, direct and telephone conversations with each of them, as well as I cooperated with the HR manager on an ongoing basis, who also had relevant information on this subject. This resulted in clarifying the problem, which turned out to be the lack of accurate information regarding the exact place of loading, because the manufacturer’s address entered into the system many times was his address where the company was registered, and not the actual place of loading. In extreme cases, we are talking about discrepancies of several dozen kilometers. For the newly employed driver, this meant making a mistake resulting in a loss of time, additional transport costs and always high stress, which translated into haste and thus often incorrect loading or unloading of products, which unfortunately were destroyed.

The conducted research indicated that the desired solution to the problem would be an online database containing all loading places, along with a verified address and access route for the truck, telephone number to the farmer and other relevant information in order to reduce the maximum margin of error and possible mistake.

At this stage, I started designing an application that, being available only to company employees with a password and login, would work on-line, regardless of the working time of the company’s office or the farmer, 24/7.

Due to the large number of addresses, the application had to have an effective search system, as well as compatibility with navigation and, above all, it had to be legible and responsive to be used on mobile devices.

First, I prepared a beta version of the application, containing an incomplete load list, in order to test its usability by drivers.

The result of this test was a return to design, as it turned out that the additional information section needed to be expanded, which in many cases corrected the route determined by GPS navigation, implicitly prepared for passenger cars, not trucks.

It did not take into account, for example, the presence of low bridges under which a truck cannot pass.

The version of the application modified in this way was re-tested and finally this version works to this day, only the list of loading places is longer.

Outcomes and findings for the future

The effect of introducing this application is a measurable decrease in employee turnover, decrease in value of losses in the transported load and, above all, a reduction in the level of stress during work, which is extremely important for the driver, taking into account road safety.

In addition, it turned out that the application is used not only by new drivers, but also by those who have been working for a long time, but from time to time they go to a place where they have never been before for loading. Thus, the previously established group of target users has significantly increased.

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Thassos case

Is Thassos Island, Greece to hit charts this summer?

The hotel UX case – competition benchmarking and customer journey.

Hotel in Greece, user oriented website booking process, desktop and mobile

Main outlines of the actions taken as part of the UX designing process

The company was founded by the father over 20 years ago, and is now run by two sons with education and experience in running a hotel business gained in several Western European countries. All real estate belongs to the company and does not constitute a financial burden for rent or a loan for the purchase of real estate. All buildings, both inside and out, were modernized three years ago and brought to a very high standard.

The hotel staff has many years of experience, they are not accidental people, employed only from season to season.

All the elements listed here translate into very high ratings from guests, who overall rate this facility 9.8/10, where 10 is the highest possible rating. In addition, in the history of its operations, the hotel has won many awards and distinctions confirming a very high level of customer service.

Due to the fact that the hotel season in Greece is limited mainly to the summer season, from the financial point of view it is extremely important that the hotel occupancy rate at this time is as high as possible, because it is the only and short time in which the hotel generates revenues. In addition, the competition on the hotel services market is very high, which unfortunately translates into a price fight between hotels located in the same region, which reduces profitability. Another important aspect that generates costs are the commissions of online booking services. Considering the above, the main goal of the project is to increase profitability by increasing the number of guests and reducing the cost of customer acquisition.

The main target audience are tourists who decide to spend their summer holidays in Greece. The analysis shows that they are mainly citizens of Great Britain, Germany, Poland and neighboring countries, i.e. Bulgaria and Romania. Therefore, when adapting research methods, it was necessary to take into account both cultural differences and financial expectations regarding the price of accommodation.

The team responsible for conducting the research consisted of myself, hotel managers and the owner. My task was to conduct an analysis of the business environment based on the data provided by the clients. In addition, based on the initial analysis, I conducted a complete UX study, ending with cooperation with the company responsible for designing a new website, desktop and mobile version along with a booking application.

The biggest challenge was the so-called generational and cultural differences and the related perception of business activity. In addition, the pressure was time, as the plan was to launch the full functionality of the website and application in early spring, before the start of the summer season.

The first step, even before making the decision to implement the project, was a joint meeting during which the situation of the hotel and possible possibilities for its improvement were discussed. After the meeting, I sent my comments and thoughts on possible solutions, which we then discussed at the next meeting, approving the start of research.

Based on the received data on the general situation of the hotel and the specificity of its operations, I made a thorough business analysis of the company, competition, market specifics and target group.

The result was an Executive Summary.

In the next step, I conducted a target group study to determine the end user of the service – on-line surveys, interviews with potential clients, feedback gathered by hotel management from their customers.

This study also included the analysis of customers’ behavior based on, among others, usability tests.

At the same time, competing hotels and those which, according to the clients, had well-designed websites were analyzed.

Together with the commissioning party, we analyzed the obtained results using an affinity diagram using Miro, which was next used to model customer journey mapping. The activities carried out in this way indicated pain points, areas for improvement as well as desired by end customers website and application features.

Having all the above data, I proceeded to the UX prototype design stage, taking into account the common options previously agreed with the hotel. At this stage, the concept of the offered services and application options was changed twice due to the need to justify them from the financial side. The final and tested version of the prototype was handed over to the company that is responsible for creating the new website along with the application. In addition, I made a comparative “before and after” analysis, justifying the joint decisions, and creating a document for further analysis.

Outcomes and findings for the future

Work on the project revealed additional opportunities to increase the financial efficiency of the hotel and significantly increased its profitability. The implementation of the project was additionally surprising in additional business initiatives that had not been taken into account before. All in all, the project has achieved much more than its intended goals.

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Customer Success Management

Are you getting the most from your Customer Acquisition Cost?

The main reason for including CSM together with UX in one chapter is rather obvious. They are twins, two close elements of the same puzzle. Gaining the most for the company and keeping the customer satisfied at the same time. Since there are some differences between CSM and UX, this time I would like to represent main responsibilities of successful Customer Success Management.

The text below represents my point of view on Customer Success Management primary roles and responsibilities. It needs to be considered as a “to do “ list to be extended and modified according to the company business environment. The quality of CSM lies between communication, analytic and researching skills. The position’s task needs to bring profits for the company and its customers at the same time. The following is based on my work experience as well as educational background.

„The quality of the company is measured by its after sales level of customer satisfaction”

The trick is not to sell a product, but the trick is to keep the customer and encourage him to further and broader cooperation with the company. Therefore, customer satisfaction is extremely important for the development of any company. Once a customer is acquired, it does not generate significant advertising costs again, so keeping it as long as possible is financially justified. If the company is not able to keep the customer after first transaction then CAC is wasted.


If there is nothing special about the product, then it is for no one. Adjusting the offer to the individual needs of the client is a basic task as well as personalizing contacts on the client-company line. Customer retention absolutely requires an individual approach and high-quality after-sales care.

„Win – win”

On the one hand, a client success management is responsible for maintaining good relations, assuring the client of the rightness of his investment and taking care of his needs and expectations. On the other hand, knowledge about the customer profile is invaluable for a company that can successfully use it in developing a sales strategy or designing its own products/services. Every site benefits from this.

„The center of the conversation”

The customer success management generally needs to work with every department in the company. Starting from IT specialists and ending with the marketing department. The client must feel taken care of from start to finish.


The customer must be thoroughly convinced and satisfied with the decision to purchase the product/service. What is most important for any investment is ROI. The task of CSM is to guarantee appropriate, personalized care and the level of satisfaction, which translates directly into the profitability of both parties. 

As mentioned above in professional Customer Success Management both sides benefit from it. Therefore it is important to emphasize the role of the right person on this position.

Customers gains

– communication – translating “tech” language into the Final User’s one for better understanding, providing appropriate support as well as maintaining good customer relations. The User has the feeling that the company is responsible and can be relied on.

– instruction – accessible and easy to understand product implementation so that the initial and later process of use brings as few problems as possible.

– support – get the most of the product, respond quickly and efficiently to end-user issues, constant and professional customer support.

– problem solving – providing the necessary and effective support to solve a problem, ensuring smooth operation of the software, especially in the event of problems.

– advising – providing product advice, establishing a permanent and substantive relationship with the software supplier.

– advertising – providing new products/features updates, present and persuade the customer to extend the product with new functions and or services – “between the lines”, knowledge of new possibilities and software options.

– customer care – constant customer care, providing customer support at the highest possible level, establishing and maintaining trust in the company, feeling of being taken care of at every stage of cooperation with the company

Company gains

– problem detection – effective communication with the technical department, collecting opinions and feedback on the operation of the software, customer journey mapping, ongoing user opinion research, identifying weaknesses and solutions sought by the client.

– research – conducting communication in such a way as to obtain additional information about the product through conversation or observation, opinions about the competitors

– profiling the final user – conducting communication in such a way as to obtain additional information about the user’s behavior and background through conversation or observation, Identifying the user, building the profile in order to adjust the product to customers’ needs

– detecting the „pain points” and areas for improvement – obtain the most detailed information about possible and desired improvements or patches in the software, identifying the weak points and desired improvements or features

Added values

Most important benefits are:

– Building trust and reliability of the company

– Constant improving of the company image and market position

– Word of mouth marketing along standard marketing activity

– Defining target group of customers

– Researching competitive products on the market

– Better understanding the customers’ needs

– Constant mapping the customer flow

– “Hands on” feedback from real customers

– Delivering desired values

– Increasing customer Lifetime Value

To sum up, the professional level of Customer Success Management has a huge impact on the growth of the company’s competitiveness. In times of huge competition and the fight for the client, disregarding the role of CSM can be called at least reckless.